Are we journalists?

Many people think they should not create a blog because they don´t want to share personal information and let others read their writing. However, by having an account on any of the numerous social networks that exist today, you are most likely engaging in micro-blogging. Although micro-blogging differs from blogging in that it is a much more condensed version of a blog, it is along the same lines.

Micro-blogging is seen as a huge advantage in terms of marketing in today´s society. Twitter and Tumblr were the first two platforms to truly introduce micro-blogging and get people started. It is common that people post status updates or links for things that they like or things that interest them. This is unknowingly the basis for a blog. For example, many of the things I post on Facebook other than my own personal pictures would probably fall under the categories of food, fashion, or random things I find interesting that I stumble upon. Those are the topics in which I have centered my blog around, without even realizing that fact.


Journalism has become much more prevalent among social media because of the growth of social networks. Now, people view their social networking accounts at least once a day which is where articles from journals are being posted and shared. People come across articles just through scrolling through their news feed. This has brought a lot more attention to certain journals because not many people specifically view the site for “The New York Times” for example, on a daily

Social media today has given journalism much more publicity than it had about 10 years ago. In today’s society, if major news occurs, people will find out instantly just through checking social media. People post status updates or share links to articles as soon as they hear about major world events. This social media realm allows us individuals to be journalists on our own in a way because we are sharing news with the public and with our friends at the click of a button. Journalism’s main source is through social media because social media users are the ones to spread the word and it can be done in the quickest way possible.

From users of social media collecting information, summarizing it, and distributing that information to others, they are a journalist. It may not be a profession of theirs but that is, in short, the job of a journalist although it is probably on a much smaller scale as a social media user. In this generation we have gained so much more access to communicating with a large group of people through media and it will probably become even easier to do so as new technology is created. I can’t even imagine what else could be created in terms of social media but I’m sure in the next few years there will be a new social network that makes it even easier for us “journalists” to distribute information to the public.