New Discoveries

This past weekend in Barcelona was very eye-opening for me because I really took the time to explore all different parts of the city and try new things. I’ve been in Barcelona for over a month now and this weekend was the first weekend that I explored areas other than those that I have been going to for the past month. Of course if I’m discovering new things, new restaurants has to be on my to-do list.

To start off the weekend my friends and I went to the famous Park Guell, finally after hearing about it ever since we got to Barcelona. The architecture and design of the park was amazing and very different from anything I’ve seen before. The view from the top of the park was breathtaking. Overall, it was a great sight to see and I feel like I’ve seen more of what Barcelona has to offer just in one weekend.

Next on my agenda for the weekend was to see the mountains. We took a train to Monserrat (which ended up being over an hour in travel time) then took a smaller train up through the mountains until we reached what looked like a little town surrounded by these incredible mountains. The view was unbelievable and I truly felt like I was in a different world. I am so glad I went because it is definitely not something you can do just any time. We saw the beautiful monastery of Monserrat and walked around just in awe of the view up there. th-4

While seeing new things in Barcelona we made it a must to try new things as well starting with food. Sushi is one my favorite things to eat and I can be very particular about this type of food, and all food really… But finally I found a sushi restaurant that I LOVE. It was in the Gothic Quarter which was another new neighborhood I explored this weekend and I will definitely be going back.

Brunch seems like a common theme here seeing as people treat lunch as a bigger deal than any other meal and I rarely see the word breakfast on a menu. I have found a bunch of brunch type restaurants that I love in Barcelona and this weekend I found another to add to the list! It’s called Carrot Cafe and its just a 5 minute walk from where I live, which is a miracle seeing as every decent place to eat near us usually requires taking the metro or walking for 20 minutes. This place is perfect. The menu is very eclectic and I loved everything I tried. The best part I’d have to say is their dessert. The waitress insisted we try “Barcelona’s best cheesecake” so how could I say no to that. It looks delicious and tastes even better!  See for yourself…cheesecake