Guest Speaker- Valenti

Valenti SanJuan is a very talented journalist with a different approach than what we would call the traditional journalist. He was a very interesting person to hear speak because he has done so many things throughout his career. Valentí grew up as a journalist in Barcelona but he didn’t want to be a traditional journalist. He worked for a radio station in traditional media but after 8 years he was released from his contract. Although being fired is never good he realized it was actually a blessing in disguise. He started his own company and gained even more success than he thought. His company began with his own radio show online that included images as well. It evolved into something bigger over time. He makes videos every day now and has widely popular social media accounts.


The video above is his most recent video, posted less than 24  hours ago. Social media was a huge help to his career and without it he wouldn’t be where he is now. He started doing online talk shows where he would incorporate news but also other entertaining elements such as comedy or music. He posts videos on a frequent basis and they will usually feature a guest or someone he interviews at some point during the day. His show that he created is called “Visto Lo Visto” and people will buy tickets to come see his show being filmed live. His show covers a variety of topics. He has many guests appear for interviews on his show as well as on his personal videos.

Although Valentí doesn’t get paid for every video he posts he does make a good living by doing his show and through endorsements from companies that want to be featured in his videos.  He thought he was doomed when he got fired from his radio job but it actually made way for him to become even more successful. Valenti is very talented and has been able to accomplish so much. Not only did he create this show of his he also directs and organizes the sweepstakes and contests they hold. He is very creative and innovative which has been a major reason why he has become so successful.

Social media has played a major role in Journalism in the past 10 years. Before social media journalism was very basic and traditional. People would get their news from the paper or TV news channels and the radio. Today, people can find out the news in many different ways through numerous non-traditional sources. For example, Snapchat news channels have become a great way to read up on the news in many different categories. Facebook is also a good source when it comes to news and journalism because people will often post news articles to Facebook to share them with their friends. This just shows how much journalism has changed and evolved over the past decade and this is what Valenti has used to aid his career. Before all of this new technology and social media evolution his career would not be same.



Valenti is not a traditional journalist because he doesn’t report on issues conventionally. He does things his own way and adds a twist to news. He reports on things other than current events which is what a lot of journalists do. He has a variety of news topics such as interviews with people, reporting on the Iron/Ultra Man journey, etc… He uses his life experiences as a way to inform others and inspire others. AN example of how he does this is in the video below; it is his self-created documentary about his experience doing the UltraMan.

After hearing Valenti talk to our class I was inspired. He has made a career for himself that he loves and is great at. And, even though he was fired from a job he ended up making something great out of that experience. This shows that even in times where you think things are bad it could just be to make way for something great to happen. I hope I can do something creative in my future career as Valenti has done because he has proven that that can turn into something majorly successful. I am very  impressed by how he posts videos every day as well and I will continue to check back to his channel to see what other experiences he documents in the future.