Un Macaron S’il Vous Plaît

This weekend I went on a trip to Paris. One of my best friends goes to school there now and I’ve always dreamed of seeing the city of Paris so it all worked out. My two favorite things were on my mind when exploring Paris, fashion and food. Paris is one of the fashion capitals of the world and and I’ve heard nothing but amazing reviews on Parisian food as well. After experiencing it for myself, I can say they were right!


We went exploring the first day we were there. Seeing the eiffel tower up close in person was such a sight to see. It is so picturesque even more than I imagined. The city overall was beautiful even though the weather wasn’t the greatest. The food however, was amazing. We went to brunch at a cute little cafe called Petit Cler. I won’t even try to pronounce the name of my meal but it was basically 3 eggs cooked to perfection, lettuce, parmesan cheese, and a tomato sauce on top. It was my ideal brunch and if only they had it here in Barcelona I would get it all the time. 12106935_10153196656563807_4775136692148396818_n

My first meal in Paris, pictured above, set the bar high for the rest of my food during the trip. And, surprisingly I was not let down. Every meal I ate while there was delicious, although quite expensive. The desserts were incredible too. Macaroons are one of my favorite sweets and I was dying to go to Laduree and try the famous Macaroons that everyone hypes up. I had to get a box just for myself because there was no way I could just try one flavor. Every one I tried was exquisite, probably the best macaroon I’ve ever had. Among desserts, macaroons were probably my favorite that I had while in Paris but the chocolate souffle was mouthwatering as well. But, not only did these desserts taste amazing but they look amazing as well. I noticed the presentation of food at every restaurant I went to was very put together and looked great.


The fashion in Paris is well known for being the best. We shopped around a few different areas in Paris and everything I saw was so different and high fashion but beautiful. There was the most amazing department store I’ve ever seen. Every clothing brand you could think of probably had something of theirs in that store. The products were amazing but also the design of the building was gorgeous and to top it off there is a rooftop in which people can go up to when they’re done shopping, and see a view of the entire city…sounds like a perfect day to me. They say it’s the romantic city and I definitely fell in love with Paris. Hopefully I can go back to visit again one day.