Adios Barcelona

It’s strange to think that this was my last weekend here in Barcelona because I have become so used to living here. It seems like just last month we were arriving. I have traveled to so many places and seen many different things. It has been an amazing experience being able to travel around Europe. Now that I only have a week left I definitely need to go back to all my favorite spots I have found here one last time before I leave. If I could go back to every place I’ve traveled this semester again also I would. The food I had in every single place was delicious and the cities were unbelievable to see as well. Food is one of my favorite subjects and I have kept a good memory of all my favorite spots throughout this trip.


In Barcelona, I definitely have more than one favorite restaurant. There are many different types of restaurants here therefore I am bound to have a couple choices. For lunch or breakfast my favorite restaurants would have to be Brunch and Cake and Petit Pot.These will always remind me of my time abroad because they are both very different and interesting restaurants that were often my most visited lunch spots during the semester. They are definitely places I would recommend to anyone who comes to Barcelona in the future.

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As for dinner, my favorite restaurant I have been to here is called Besame Mucho. The food here was some of the best I’ve had in Europe because it was just so eclectic and different from what I have had before. The menu was a mix of a bunch of mexican inspired tapas but with an artistic twist. My favorite thing I tried there was this mango canneloni filled with avocado cream. It was different than any meal I have had before the idea of a pasta like canneloni made from sheets of mango was brilliant and didn’t sound like something I would like, but ended up loving. The cream inside was delicious as well and each canneloni was topped with a shrimp which was the cherry on top of a perfect dish. The service at the restaurant was perfect as well and it was not expensive especially for how great the food was.

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Overall, this semester was full of new discoveries for me and I will definitely have many things to recommend for people that are planning a trip to Europe. There are many things I loved about Europe but I am a big food person and trying plenty of new dishes throughout Europe has been an amazing thing to do.

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