Citizen Journalism

Citizen journalism could also be referred to as public or participatory journalism because it is not done as a career but more as a deed of the public. It is a form of news gathering that takes place outside of media corporations and just is done at the convenience of the citizen journalist. Citizen journalism is also related to user generated content because it is a way of one citizen communicating news or a review of some sort to the public. Citizen journalism is a very important source of news even though it may not be considered by some people. But, there are plenty of situations that prove citizen journalism truly matters and can make a difference.


There are plenty of situations in which citizen journalism is present and people may not even know it because it might not be thought of as “journalism” even though it technically is. For example there was a viral video that surfaced of a ten year old boy living with autism, explaining the disorder and what life is like with it. This is an incredible and inspiring video and story that a normal journalist probably wouldn’t have been able to get. It is made even more inspiring and influential because he decided to do this on his own and in his own way. It takes a lot of courage to make a video like that and I’m sure it had a great impact on those who have a connection in some way to autism. I personally, don’t have anyone close to me with this disorder and I was very touched by the video and it is amazing that a boy so young could make a video that showed he takes control of his disorder and is knowledgeable about it.



Numerous major events or informative news reports come from citizen journalists that are doing their own duty of reporting to the public as opposed to having to do it as their job. After seeing this video and learning about the power of citizen journalism I have been inspired to participate more as a citizen journalist. If more people contributed to citizen journalism there would be even more inspiration for others to do so. I feel it’s refreshing and inspiring when average people or “citizens” contribute news or journalism and share it with the public in order to help, inform, or inspire others.

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